The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is seeking applications from stakeholders who wish to help it “shape the future” of food safety regulation.
The invitation from FSA is for business, consumer and regulatory representatives to join its new “regulating our future programme” for which an expert advisory panel is to be set up.
Described as a “critical strategic programme” by FSA, the new approach is seen as being central to the agency’s ability to fulfil its statutory purposes and public expectations in the future.
“To formalise the important role we expect stakeholders to play in helping us refine the blueprint and designing delivery options, we are establishing an expert advisory panel,” said FSA. “This will bring stakeholders from across business, other government departments and regulators together to ensure all points of view are heard and taken account of.
“Provisionally, we think the full panel will meet quarterly. However, given the range of issues that will have a bearing on this work, it may need to convene smaller, more specialist, working groups to examine specific issues, drawing on external expertise where appropriate.”
FSA is looking for expressions of interest from stakeholders in the following areas:
- Large business
- Medium business
- Small business
- Consumer organisations
- Accreditation schemes
- Local authority
Applicants are asked to state, in no more than 250 words, their experience, expertise and why they would like to be considered for the new panel. The closing date for expressions of interest is July 15, 2016.
The email address for applications is FutureDelivery(at)