Year: 2019

ForFarmers’, the principal sponsor for the National Pig Awards, has a new director of pig and poultry. Chris Jenkins gives his views on sustainable sourcing, African…

Defra has approved £3 million of funding for an ambitious industry-wide project to tackle PRRS, set to get underway in 2020. A joint industry-Defra working group…

For the first time, the prevailing advice on the risk of contracting cancer from consuming products like bacon and sausages has been challenged. Alistair Driver reports…

NPA senior policy adviser Ed Barker sets out the NPA’s core thoughts on the National Food Strategy. In June, Defra’s Secretary of State, then Michael Gove,…

Defra’s most recent outbreak assessment reported that African swine fever (ASF) has continued to be prevalent across Europe in 2019. The domestic pig herd has continued…