Year: 2019

EU weaner prices have risen sharply this year, according to new figures. The 30kg average peaked at €58.85/head in the week ended June 9, which is…

Bulgaria has reported new outbreaks of African Swine Fever among backyard pigs in six villages in the northern region of Pleven, the country’s national food safety…

While EU pig prices have been rallying strongly since the end of March, leaving the British Standard Pig Price (SPP) lagging behind, the AHDB has looked…

Agrosoft’s latest physical performance data showed the productivity of the GB sow herd improved in the 12 months to March 2019, compared to the overall 2018…

Yorkshire-based sausage company Heck has come under fire from critics after hosting Conservative leadership candidate Boris Johnson at its factory. The family-run luxury sausage manufacturer was…

This week’s Pig Marketing Summary, from Thames Valley Cambac, reported trade could only be described as lacklustre this week with poor demand being widely reported. Some…