Year: 2019

Intra-EU pig meat trade (exclusing offal) in 2018 declined only marginally (-0.5%) on 2017 levels. The trade flows in 2018 totalled around 7.4 million tonnes, based…

Demand for pig meat in the EU has not been in step with supply levels in recent years, driving price volatility. Last year, there was more…

This week’s Slaughter Pig Marketing Summary from Thames Valley Cambac reported that factory reliability remained the issue again this week, with three of the majors breaking…

The US pig herd stood at 74.3 million head as of Match 1, 2019, which was 2% higher than March 2018, according to the latest quarterly…

Chances are that if you ask most pig businesses what their three top concerns are, the availability of skilled staff will feature pretty frequently, writes Richard…

Tom and Cassie Mapes were deserving winners of the Trainee of the Year award at the National Pig Awards. Simon King headed to Essex-based A&B Leamon…

After the problems caused by last year’s heatwave, Primary Diets offers advice for maintaining weaner weights in high temperatures Warmer weather can see weaning weights drop…