AHDB is funding a new education website to help ensure that the next generation of consumers learns more about where their food comes from and how it is produced by levy payers.
Called ‘Countryside Classroom’, the new site is designed to help teachers “connect” children to food and farming with the aim of giving positive, formative experiences of food, farming and the natural environment.
“We cannot overstate the importance of education when it comes to food and farming,” said AHDB education chair, Diane Symes, adding that the launch of the site was a great example of the industry working together to provide teachers with access to a wide range of quality educational resources.
AHDB said the new online resource contains age-appropriate, curriculum-friendly lesson plans, resources and ideas to bring children into the countryside and the countryside into the classroom.
“By selecting ages, curriculum areas, preferred types of activity and other options, teachers can find educational content tailor-made for their classes,” it said.
“The website also features a searchable map of the UK to help teachers find local farms, parks and activity centres which are ready to give children enjoyable and memorable experiences of food, farming and the natural environment.”
The project is co-funded by the Prince’s Countryside and run by Farming and Countryside Education (FACE).