There’s still time to take part in the consultation over the future of the Pig Industry Professional Register (PIPR).
The consultation closes on Friday (April 1), and so far more than 70% of those who have taken part so far have said they would continue membership if the outlined changes were to take place.
AHDB Pork’s skills development co-ordinator, Sam Bowsher (pictured above), said the response so far had been good, but there was always room for more.
“We want to make sure we have captured the views of as many people as possible across the industry so please take a few minutes to take part,” she added.
“The consultation is looking for views on the redevelopment proposals for PIPR and on how a new and improved PIPR would look.”
Anybody who like to contribute to the process should visit the briefing document at the link below, and then the consultation survey itself.