The European Commission (EC) endorsement of the industry-led code of good labelling practice for compound feed for food producing animals has been welcomed by Fefac and Copa & Cogeca as helping to “make life easier for farmers, agri-cooperatives and feed manufacturers”.
“European farmers, agri-cooperatives and feed manufacturers have worked hard together to develop the new code, drawing on our skills and expertise, to ensure that information essential for farmers is appropriately displayed on the label,” said Copa & Cogeca secretary-general Pekka Pesonen.
“We are very happy to contribute to a greater level of harmonisation and understanding on how best to apply feed labelling rules at EU level.”
FEFAC secretary-general, Alexander Döring, added that the code section on claims, which sets out what claims are permitted and which are prohibited, was a “major step towards more transparency in the feed chain”.
The code, which secured its EC endorsement by being published in the Commission’s Official Journal C275, has also been given strong support by EU member states, though country reprsentatives on the EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF).