Red Tractor CEO Jim Moseley will host a webinar in mid-October to discuss the objectives behind the ongoing consumer campaign.
Red Tractor recently launched its first ever national TV advertising campaign. During the webinar on October 16 at 7.30pm, Mr Moseley will discuss the consumer campaign, the development of the TV advert and Red Tractor’s future objectives.
Anyone wishing to join the webinar will need to register in advance here (places are limited).
Mr Moseley recently announced that Red Tractor would be introducing a new tougher inspection regime from November, with farmers deeded to be at ‘higher risk’ of non-conformances receiving unannounced checks. These farmers farmers could be suspended and thrown out of the scheme if they fail to make improvements.
Mr Moseley also announced Red Tractor was planning to move to a ‘modular system next year.  The new modules will cover areas like enhanced animal welfare, organic and environmentally sustainable production and will be accompanied by a new a consumer-facing labelling system ‘to improve clarity for shoppers’.