BPEX is part-funding a series of free training courses on euthanising pigs that are taking place during January to help prepare stockmen for new Red Tractor rules being introduced from April 1 this year.
After that date, only stockmen that have been trained and formally assessed as competent may carry out euthanasia of any pig on a Red Tractor assured farm. Assured farms will also need a documented work instruction for euthanasia, and must ensure a person with training and competence in euthanasia for each type of pig present on the farm is always available within a maximum of 60 minutes driving time from the farm, 24 hours a day, all year round.
The euthanasia course has been put together by specialist animal breeding, research and training firm RAFT Solutions. The course is free of charge to participants – apart from a £15 administration fee for a certificate to show attendance at the training.
The course has been put together by vet Nigel Wolfenden, who told Pig World that its content had been approved by the Humane Slaughter Society.
The free euthanasia training days are taking place on:
January 9 (3pm to 7pm) in the North-east
January 16 (3pm to 7pm) in Yorkshire
January 23 (3pm to 7pm) in the Midlands
Training to meet the new Red Tractor requirements can also be provided on-farm by your own vet, or by any ‘suitably trained and experienced person, as signed off by a vet’.
No matter how the training is delivered, it must be followed by an on-farm competence assessment by your own vet to meet the new Red Tractor rules.
For more information call RAFT on 01765 645893.