In his latest article for Pig World, Duncan Berkshire, of the Bishopton Veterinary Group, sets out some pig industry priorities for the latest Defra Secretary.
‘Once upon a time…’ and so started so many good stories, but how many of the writers of fiction could have dreamt up the current ‘factual’ events that are becoming so common as to be a comedy on any other stage?!
The revolving doors of Government have been spinning once more, with Defra being the recipient of an immediate former Health Secretary into the top job for the second time in a row.
The former Defra Secretary of State, Thérèse Coffey, had far from championed our sector in the public eye despite many meetings over her year in office. Her trip to China in the last week of her time as a Minister was perhaps too little, too late, considering the historic importance of this market to the UK pig sector.
Her successor in Steve Barclay brings no previous experience of working in Defra since he entered Parliament, which can be seen as both an advantage and disadvantage.
His Ministerial team will have a tough time to bring him up to speed on the myriad of challenges to his brief, many of which have been ticking over during the past 12 months rather than advancing with any speed. Following up on the recent outreach trip to China for exports will be important while there is any momentum left, along with the quicker conclusion of the pig supply chain review where time continues to pass while the sector waits, and waits, and waits…
There’s only a year (max) to get things done and dusted, less in reality as the upcoming election fever will inevitably divert resource and time from getting things completed and through Parliament. It’s a tall order, particularly when there are several other areas that we as the pig sector would also be looking for further progress.
Workforce challenges are acute to us all and the Home Office and new Home Secretary, in the same building as Defra, are somewhat distracted from assisting here currently.
Imports of ‘illegal to produce in the UK’ pork products continue to find their way onto the shelves, which is a kick in the teeth of the UK pig sector, only trumped by the unacceptable delay, yet again, of the veterinary checks on imports announced over the summer and leaving us vulnerable to exotic diseases for months to come.
Sleepless nights over ASF
And this is where I get the majority of my sleepless nights from – waiting with baited breath for the phone call, message, or notification of confirmed notifiable disease affecting pigs again in the UK.
I remember a discussion, several years ago, with two of the home nation Chief Veterinary Officers where they said they would always take a deep breath when the other’s name flashed up on their mobile and before answering in case this was the call to confirm ASF.
They and Defra are continuing to be on high alert – it would be useful, and should be a priority, for the new Secretary of State to not accept further delay to import checks as this is at least something active that can be done to halt what in every other way is inevitable.
In any other circumstance you would be declared an idiot not to get out of the way of a lorry heading straight for you, yet with animal health, the UK has decided that roulette is the game of choice – totally unacceptable on so many levels.
So show us what you can do in 12 months please Steve – you have the support of the sector if you show us respect and work with us. And let’s aim to not mess too many things up ready for the next Government since there’s plenty more to do over the coming years.