YNPA vice-chair Jack Bosworth, told Pig World magazine about the YNPA charity challenge this June.
The last year hasn’t been the easiest so when our YNPA Steering Group started to think about our charitable effort it was really important to us that it benefits a charity which has been so active in supporting our community, hence we chose FCN.
We have a great YNPA whatsapp group and it has been clear that we’re all desperate to get together to talk pigs over a drink (or two!), whilst it was lovely to ‘see’ everyone at our virtual national it wasn’t quite the same. So, we thought we’d plan an event which brought us together in spirit, given all the social distancing measures which have been in place.
From June 1-22 we will collectively travel 883 miles and we’re aiming to raise £883, a pound for every mile, although we’re very happy to smash the target! I’m challenging myself to run some of my miles, but those signed up can travel by whatever means works for them as long as they are travelling under their own steam – motors, engines and batteries are definitely cheating. Everyone can do as many miles as they want, not all of us can knock up 100 miles as easily as some!
883 may seem like an odd target but because we can’t complete the miles together in person we picked a target which unites us all in our passion for British pork – it is the distance between the NPA ‘Put British Pork on Your Fork’ banners from the furthest north to south and east to west.

We’ve organised the challenge as YNPA but it is for everyone, anyone keen to get involved can, simply email Andrea at NPA and she’ll send you the form (Andrea.Tranter@npanet.org.uk). Those that signed up early have got a t-shirt to wear while they complete their miles and there have been some rumours of fancy dress being added into the mix. We’re using #YNPAChallenge21 so please tag us on social media, especially if you’ve got a crazy outfit!!
For those that would rather support from the sidelines, all donations are welcome and we’ve got a Just Giving page to make it nice and easy.
I’m really excited about our YNPA Challenge 21, the last year proves that there will always be things we can’t predict and you never know when you may need the support of FCN so the more we can do to support them, the better.
The Farming Community Network (FCN) is a voluntary organisation and charity that supports farmers and families within the farming community through difficult times. They have over 400 volunteers that provide support and also operate Farming Help, a confidential helpline for those in need. The last year has been a challenging one, so it is more important than ever to raise awareness and funds for FCN.
The important info
Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ynpachallenge21
Farming Help: 03000 111 999
Twitter: @NatPigAssoc and @FCNcharity