British Veterinary Association (BVA) president, Sean Wensley, has praised Scotland for its leadership in many areas of animal welfare, while also calling on Government, farmers and vets to ensure hard won ground is not lost in the future.
Delivering his final presidential speech at the association’s annual Scottish Dinner this evening (September 13), Mr Wensley made special mention of the close Government, farmer and vet links that had done so much concerning the “now-notifiable” disease Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED) and the work being undertaken towards eliminating mange from pig herds.
Set alongside action against BVD and other issues, he said it was fitting that his penultimate speech as BVA president was in Scotland, a country that had “led the way” on tackling many animal welfare problems.
Mr Wensley also took the opportunity to comment on the outcome of the UK’s EU referendum, adding: “A key post-Brexit objective must be that the UK does not slip in its world leading outlook and outputs on animal welfare.”