Swine dysentery (Brachyspira hyodysenteriae) has been diagnosed in East Anglia for the first time in two years.
The case, which was identified follwing tests at the AHVLA’s Bury St Edmunds site, was from a breeder-finisher unit in the region.
Treatment has been implemented on the case unit and the current warmer, drier weather should also help control measures. The Brachyspira hyodysenteriae isolate is sensitive to tiamulin.
The AHVLA made no diagnoses of swine dysentery in East Anglia in 2013 and only one, in smallholder pigs, in 2012.
Excellent biosecurity is the best protection against spread of the infection and BPEX is urging pig producers in the region to review their biosecurity protocols with their veterinary surgeons to reduce the risk of further cases in the region.
More guidance on bisecurity is also available via: www.bpex.org.uk/2TS/health/swinedysentery.aspx and www.bpex.org.uk/R-and-D/Pig-Health/pedv.aspx