This week’s Pig Marketing Summary reported that the market was a quieter as processors continued to struggle with the domestic market.
Traditionally, this is the time of year when they gear up in advance of Christmas, but it seems a combination of poor retail demand and lack of spare cold store space is hampering trade.
Supply was similar, but anecdotal comments suggest numbers tightening in the near future. The fresh meat market was a touch livelier with some outlets taking advantage of the gaps left by the lack of imports.
The one casualty of the turbulent week on the money markets was the cull sow price which saw a reverse of 2 to 3p. In Europe, Denmark continued its recent rally adding another 2.7 euro cents, and all the other countries stood on. Price quotes in sterling were tempered however, by a weaker euro that ended the week down 1.09p at 86.43p.
The Weaner Marketing Summary, for week commencing October 13, reported that Demand remained poor for any supplies outside a contractual arrangement, with a lack of decent fattening space continuing to dog the market. The prices announced by the AHDB saw no quote for a 30kg store pig and the weighted average for a 7kg weaner fall by 12p to £39.98p