The opportunity to look at the delivery of EU support measures for the pigmeat market is included as one of the agenda items for the final Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting of 2014.
The meeting, which takes places in Brussels today and tomorrow (December 15 & 16) lists several headline agricultural topics for debate, including taking progress reports on the future of the dairy sector, organic farming, plant health and the zootechnical conditions for the trading of breeding animals.
Considerations for the pigmeat market is included under “any other business” alongside looking at the need for additional support measures for the fruit and vegetables sector and the dairy market, a review triggered by the continuing pressures on these sectors caused by the Russian imports ban.
The pigmeat listing follows repeated calls by Copa-Cogeca for the sector to be included in the EU’s support strategy regarding the Russia situation. It also follows a commitment by European Farm Commissioner, Phil Hogan, to continue support for other sectors through to mid-2015, according to individual requirements.Â