Supplies remain ample in the run-up to Christmas, factory issues continue to cause knock-on effects on farms and the market continues to stagnate.
“The week was notable for continued inefficient processing marring delivery plans, which caused pigs to be rolled into this trading week,” Thames Valley Cambac said in it latest market update.
“Supplies remained ample for the poor demand, which is frustrating as we run towards the Christmas break. Prices were stand on, with little desire from processors to increase contributions.”
With the SPP stuck at £2/kg since mid-September, this leaves a large gap to the latest cost of production figure, quoted by AHDB at 232p/kg.
The fresh meat market remained quiet with many commenting on continued import pressure, while the cull sow market stood on, but numbers are starting to tighten. European markets were largely unchanged and the Euro ended the week at 87.53p up 0.05p.
There is little weaner trade outside contracted supplies being moved, as the parlous state of the finished market gives fatteners little reason to participate. There was insufficient data for the AHDB to formulate any quotes.
UK and European Prices (p/kg) w/c 13/11/22 Movement on last week
SPP 200.39 + 0.17
Tribune Spot Bacon 204.28 n/c
European Av. 167.81 -0.94
Belgium 148.90 +0.10
Denmark 145.93 +0.19
France 190.13 -5.03
Germany 166.32 +0.11
Ireland 183.83 +0.17
Holland 153.19 +0.37
Spain 186.46 -2.14
(Ref Weekly Tribune)