An online workshop featuring an examination of the latest pig building trends in Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands is being run by BPEX on Thursday next week, December 18.
“The workshop will help producers who are looking into new or refurbished buildings make sure they’ve considered all the options for ventilation, energy saving and emissions reduction,” said BPEX environment and building manager, Nigel Penlington.
Along with colleague, Sue Rabbich, he will be showcasing systems which are gaining in popularity and have been seen first-hand during study tours to the three countries.
“Best practice in pig housing can have a huge impact on pig growth, feed conversion ratios and energy efficiency, ultimately reducing production costs and improving overall business performance,” said Mr Penlington.
The workshop, which will take the format of a webinar, is geared for both farm managers and stockpeople. It will be live online at 9am, featuring a presentation lasting for 30 minutes, after which there will be a further 30 minutes for questions. Â The whole event will also be made available for recorded viewing later by anyone who isn’t able to join the live session.