Red Tractor is looking for 40-50 volunteers to trial an online portal to help make the organisation’s farm assurance assessment process more efficient.
Farm assured members from all sectors of the industry are being asked to volunteer to test the system to ensure it is easy to use and works from a farmer’s perspective.
Potential benefits, according the Red Tractor team, include:
- the farm assessment will be more efficient as the assessor can access the paperwork prior to going on farm, allowing them to focus on the livestock, crops and the farm itself during the visit;
- a completely secure system which only the farmer and his assessor can access;
- once the initial upload is complete, the paperwork will only need to be updated as and when needed, so preparation for future assessments will be easy;
- the system allows for a self-assessment allowing farmers to check they have everything in place before the assessment.
Headline image shows Red Tractor ambassador Alex James on his Cotswolds Farm