UK farmers should be preparing for a possible reduction in direct support as the country…
Browsing: News
The National Pig Association (NPA) has taken part in discussions with nine other UK livestock…
EU sow prices are showing signs of recovering after a period of stability at the…
UK and EU pig prices could be set to break with history and avoid an…
Spain now has the largest pig herd in Europe and a pork export trade which…
The “enthusiastic” sourcing of field beans by the UK feed industry is currently being carried…
The long awaited summer heatwave, which finally hit most parts of the UK in July,…
The eventual winners of the 2016 National Pig Awards will be exceptional individuals as the…
Public consultation on the potential for genetically modified (GM) plants to cause an allergic reaction…
Klasse AI is a new name in porcine artificial insemination in the UK. The recently…