Two new Knowledge Transfer Managers have been appointed by BPEX to take over from existing members of staff moving to take up new roles.
The East of England will now be covered by Andrew Palmer, who used to work for Dent Ltd. He helped with the closure of one of the firm’s units when it went into administration.
Mr Palmer has a wide experience across the industry having worked on a number of units both indoor and out. He will be taking up his new position with BPEX on September 1.
Kate Ashman will be covering the south of the country and will be taking up her position on October 1. She comes from a farming background and has been running the family farm, which included a 1,000 sow outdoor breeding unit.
BPEX’s knowledge transfer lead, Steve Winfield, said it was good to have been able to recruit two such high-calibre people whose experience will be a great benefit to the industry.
“Coincidentally, both of them have taken part in the BPEX professional manager development scheme, so have both practical skill and have undertaken further training,” he added.