NPA chairman, Richard Lister, and the NPA ‘A Team’ of Zoe Davies, Lizzie Wilson, Georgina Crayford and Andrea Vickers all won versions of the Chris Brant award during the 2016 National Pig Awards in London this week.

The Chris Brant Award, given annually to someone who goes “above and beyond” on behalf of the pig industry, was presented to Richard Lister, who combines his NPA duties with running pig farms in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire.
Handed over by Richard Longthorp, while the entire pig industry gathering rose to acclaim the NPA chairman’s tremendous work and commitment throughout the last year, the new owner of the Chris Brant trophy was warmly praised for his “above and beyond” qualities and performance.
The gathering had earlier given another enthusiastic welcome for the NPA ‘A’ team (pictured above) during their acceptance of a “Special Chris Brant Award” in recognition that one trophy was not enough this year to honour the work done by the NPA team and their chairman.