UK livestock producers are being urged to ensure biosecurity protocols are up to date and robust in light of current disease threats, including African swine fever, and recently, confirmation of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Germany.
Dan Clow from Neogen said Defra acted quickly to ban the import on pigs, dairy, beef and sheep and their products from Germany.
“The Chief Veterinary Officer urged livestock keepers to remain vigilant to the clinical signs of FMD. Maintaining good biosecurity is essential to prevent the spread of diseases such as FMD and preventing an outbreak in the event of cases being confirmed in Britain. All livestock farms should minimise potential outbreak risks by having biosecurity protocols that can be implemented rapidly as required,” he said.
“Effective biosecurity requires a whole farm approach, involving all members of the team in the identification and mitigation of risks to keep stock isolated from disease. Farms should have written and clearly communicated protocols that are regularly reviewed and updated and supported with good records.”
He advises a comprehensive biosecurity programme needs to consider several areas, including:
- Control access to the facility: Access to the production facility should be restricted and a defined secure perimeter established. Visitors should be limited to essential personnel only who must follow strict protocols for personal hygiene whilst entering and exiting the premises. Maintain a visitor log. Respect appropriate downtimes from previous livestock exposure.
- Vehicle biosecurity: Implement a programme to ensure all vehicles entering and exiting the facility are cleaned and disinfected as well as any equipment.
- Building biosecurity: Treat each building on the premises as a separate unit for better control. Clean and sanitise hands, disinfect footwear, and change personal protective equipment between each building. Clean and disinfect all surfaces between groups of animals. Clean water systems and water and feed troughs.
- Control wildlife, dogs, cats, rodents and insects: Maintain the site to limit the activity of all potential vectors into and around the unit. Implement a pest management control programme to prevent potential vectors from transmitting disease.
- Educate and train personnel: Train all personnel in the implementation of the biosecurity programme to ensure consistent high-level application.
Central to effective biosecurity is a strict approach to disinfection of everything and everyone coming onto the farm using a DEFRA approved disinfectant, he added.
Formulated to meet challenging farm conditions, Neogen Farm Fluid MAX is effective against FMD at a 1:1000 concentration (DEFRA test specification) whilst Neogen Viroxide Super, a general-purpose powder solution utilising oxidation chemistry, is effective against FMD at a concentration of 1:1300 (Defra’s test specification).
“While everyone will hope that Defra’s prompt actions mean that farms here are not affected by FMD, it is a case of forewarned is forearmed and I would advise livestock farmers to take the time to review their biosecurity plans and ensure they have the stocks of appropriate disinfectants to allow them to act as required to protect their animals and their business,” Mr Clow added.